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News And Events

Prof. Shihao Yang from Stanford University Communicated with the Professors of Our Center and Gave a Talk

On May 7, 2021,Prof. Zihuai He from Stanford University communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk through Tencent Meeting platform. The title was Identification of Putative Causal Loci in Whole-genome Sequencing Data via Knockoff Statistics.

PHD Student of Our Center Won the “Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award” of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics This Year

Recently, Jie Li, a 2017 third-year phd student in our center, won the 2020 Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). The International Association for Mathematical Statistics (IMS), headquartered in the United States, is one of the three authoritative statistical academic organizations in the world. It aims to develop and […]

Tsinghua University’s Statistics Department was awarded “A+” in the “First Times Higher Education Chinese Subject Rating”

Recently, the first Times Higher Education Chinese Subject Rating was released, the Statistics department in Tsinghua University was rated “A+” level. Among the national statistics departments, a total of 4 colleges and universities have been rated “A+”. In addition to Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, and the University of Science and Technology of […]

Professor Lijian Yang was Elected as Distinguished Fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute

Recently, Professor Lijian Yang of our center was elected as Distinguished Fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute in recognition of his outstanding academic ability and academic contribution. Professor Lijian Yang is a tenured professor at the Center of the Statistical Science of Tsinghua University. He is also the Elected Fellow of Institute of […]

PhD Student of Our Center Zhang Yuanyuan Made Academic Achievements

On March 1, 2020, the paper “Prediction of working memory ability based on EEG by functional data analysis” was officially published in Volume 333 of “The Journal of Neuroscience Methods” (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.108552, 333), with first author Zhang Yuanyuan, who is the 2017 PHD student of our center and corresponding author Linhong Ji, who is the professor […]

Statistics& O.R. at Tinghua has been rising in QS World Rating

Statistics and Operations Research has developed rapidly at Tsinghua University in recent years.  Its position at the  QS World University Ranking has been going up steadily, from 26th in 2016 to 16th this year and is gradually approaching the top-10 in the world. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 26 22 20 19 16 QS World […]

Doc. Tianying Wang from Columbia University Visited Our Center and Gave a Talk

On Jan 9, 2020, Dr. Tianying Wang who’s doing postdoctoral research at Columbia University visited our center and gave a talk. The title was Integrated Quantile RAnk Test (iQRAT) for gene-level associations in sequencing studies。

Pro. Jingchen Liu from Columbia University Visited Our Center and Gave a Talk

On Dember 30, 2019, Prof. Jingchen Liu from Columbia University visited our center and gave a talk. The title wasAn Exploration of Latent Structure in Process Data.

In this big data era of information explosion, through effective data analysis, we can Discover knowledge and laws in model data, making data a powerful driving force for social progress.

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Center for Statistical Science

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