
On March 6, Prof. Bin Dong from Peking University visited the Center and gave a talk.


On Feb.27, Prof. Qihua Wang from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science visited the Center and gave a talk titled How to make model-free feature screening approaches for full data applicable to the case of missing response ?


On February 10th, Prof. Rong Chen from Rutgers University visited the Center and gave a talk entitled Factor Model for High Dimensional Matrix Valued Time Series.


On January 4th,the assistant Prof. Qifan Song from Purdue University visited the Center and gave a talk entitled Nearly Optimal Bayesian Shrinkage for High Dimensional Regression.



On January 4th, Prof. Jianqing Fan from Princeton University and Prof. Zhengjun Zhang from University of Wisconsin visited the Center, and had a meeting with the faculty.






On December 26th,Prof. Ning Hao from University of Arizona visited the Center and gave a talk Model Selection for High Dimensional Quadratic Regression Models.


On December 14th, Prof.Cui Hengjian from Capital Normal University visited the Center and gave a talk entitled Test of Significance on High Dimensional Covariance Matrix Structures.




On December 16, 2016, the First PKU-Tsinghua Colloquium on Statistics was held at Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research. The colloquium serves as an important platform for the professors and students of Peking University and Tsinghua University. It aims to promote exchanges and cooperation between these two schools, as well as the development of the discipline. More than 200 professors and students attended the colloquium, and it was co-organized by the Center for Statistical Science of Peking University, Center for Statistical Science of Tsinghua University, School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University, and Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research.

Professor Bin Yu, member of the National Academy of Science, from UC-Berkeley and Professor Jun S. Liu from Harvard University delivered keynote speeches.

After the Speech, the students presented their work in poster and communicated with professors actively.


On December 12th, Professor Suojin Wang from Texas A&M University visited the Center and gave a talk entitled A new nonparametric test for checking the equality of the correlation structures of two time series. 





On November 28,2016, Dr.Zhixiang Lin from Stanford University visited the Center and gave a talk entitled AC-PCA: simultaneous dimension reduction and adjustment for confounding variation.


