
On September 12th, 2016, Prof. Shujie Ma from California University visited the Center and gave a talk Wild bootstrap confidence intervals in sparse high dimensional heteroscedastic linear models.


The Center for Statistical Science hosted a “Summer Camp for Outstanding Undergraduates”, July 13-16, 2016, to provide for top undergraduate students keen on furthering their study of Statistics and Data Science a venue for broadening their academic perspectives, and learning of the state-of-the-art in research.



During the 3 days of activities, students interacted in depth with world renowned statisticians and industrial elite, both domestic and overseas, and learned of the latest in Statistics and Data Science research, industrial applications, and vision of future development. A the conclusion of the Camp activities, 8 participants were awarded “Excellent Summer Camp Participant Prize”, locked in early for the Center’s “Exam free admission to Ph.D. program” 2017 quota.

Group photo of the students and faculties

On June 22th, 2016, Prof. Lingsong Zhang from purdue university visited the Center and gave a talk Distance-Weighted Support Vector Machine.


On June 16th, 2016, Prof. Xiaoming Huo from Georgia Institute of Technology visited the Center and gave a talk A Distributed Estimator Enhanced by the One-Step Approach.


On June 12th, 2016, Prof. Jianhua Guo from Northeast Normal University visited the Center and gave a talk.


On June 6th, 2016, Prof. Lixing Zhu from Hong Kong Baptist University visited the Center and gave a talk Estimation for ultra-high dimensional factor model: a pivotal variable detection-based approach.


On May 30, 2016, Prof. Yu Bin, Member of the American Academy of Sciences and Professor of the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley, visited the Center for Statistical Science, and had a deep talk with the faculties and students of the center.  Prof. Yu Bin is the tenured professor of statistics and electrical engineering department at UC Berkeley, she is also the Chancellor’s Professor.



On the afternoon, Prof. Yu Bin delivered a talk entitled Statistics is a Pillar of Data Science, there are about 150 students and teachers came to listen this report, giving positive responses.







On May 25th, 2016, Prof. Ruoqing Zhu from University of Illinois visited the Center and gave a talk Tree-based methods and their applications in personalized medicine.


On May 24th, Prof.Gemin Xie from Rutgers University Visited the Center and Gave a Talk.



On May 24th, Prof. Yu Zhang from Pennsylvania State University Visited the Center and Gave a Talk Titled Computationally scalable methods for exploiting multi-cellular epigenomic dynamics.
