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News And Events

Prof. Shing Toung Yau from Tsinghua University Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On May 14th, 2018. Prof. Shing Toung Yau from Tsinghua University visits our center and gives a talk titled“Protein universe and its applications”.

Prof. Lei Gao from Iowa University Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On May 7th, 2018,Prof. Lei Gao from Iowa University visits the center and gives a talk titled: Standing out from the crowd via corporate social responsibility: Evidence from non-fundamental-driven price pressure.  

Undergraduates from Suffolk University Visit the Center

On May 8th,2018, undergraduates from Business School of Suffolk University of the United States visit the center. Prof. Ke Deng, Prof. Yu Zhu, Prof. Lijian Yang communicate with the students as the representatives of the faculty. Yingkai Jiang, Yang Yang, Zidong Wang and Yucong Lin show the colourful campus life to the visitors.

Prof. Rong Liu from University of Toledo Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On April 23th, 2018, Prof. Rong Liu from University of Toledo visits the center and gives a talk titled: Empirical likelihood inference for generalized additive model。

Prof. Wing Hung Wong from Stanford University Gives a Talk at Tsinghua University

On April 16th, 2018, Prof. Wing Hung Wong who serves on the faculty of Stanford University where he is currently Professor of Statistics, Professor of Biomedical Date Science, and holder of the Stephen R. Pierce Family Goldman Sachs Professorship in Science &Human Science& Human Health gives a talk at the reception hall, main building of […]

Medical Big Data and Health Technology Assessment Forum

On April 14, 2018, the Medical Big Data and Health Technology Evaluation Forum was held at Beijing Wenjin International Hotel. The forum was jointly sponsored by the Medical Big Data Center of the Statistics Research Center of Tsinghua University and the National Health Health Committee Key Laboratory of Health Technology Evaluation (Fudan University) and co-organized […]

2017 Tsinghua Symposium on Statistics and Data Science for Young Scholars Held Successfully

2017 Tsinghua Symposium on Statistics and Data Science for Young Scholars Held Successfully on Nov.18th, Beijing. Scholars from universities all over the China participated  and 22 of them gave academic reports. 

Prof. Wai Keung Li from University of Hong Kong Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On October 23th, Prof. Wai Keung Li from University of Hong Kong visited the center and gave a talk titled Realized covariance matrices modelling based on the matrix-F distribution.

In this big data era of information explosion, through effective data analysis, we can Discover knowledge and laws in model data, making data a powerful driving force for social progress.

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Center for Statistical Science

Room 212, Weiqing Building Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084





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