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News And Events

Prof. Hansheng Wang From Peking University Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On May 17th, Prof. Hansheng Wang From Peking University and Gave a talk Titled Network Vector Autoregression.    

Prof. Chongzhi Di from Washington University Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On Apr 25th, Prof. Chongzhi Di from Washington University Visited the Center and Gave a Talk Titled Hypothesis testing in functional linear models.  

Prof. Chao Pan from Purdue University Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On Apr 23th, Prof.Chao Pan from Purdue University Visited the Center and Gave a Talk Titled Systems and Platforms for Big Data Statistical Analsis.      

Prof. Dag Tjøstheim from Universitetet i Bergen Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On Apr 18th, Prof.  Dag Tjøstheim from Universitetet i Bergen  Visited the Center and Gave a Talk Titled Local Gaussian approximation: Theory and applications.  

Prof. Qiwei Yao from The London School of Economics and Political Science Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On Apr 7th, Prof.Qiwei Yao from The London School of Economics and Political Science Visits the Center and Gave a Talk Titled Kriging Over Space and Time Based on a Latent Reduced Rank Structure.  

Prof. Yu Zhu from Purdue University Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On March 14th, Prof.Yu Zhu from Purdue University Visited the Center and Gave a Talk Titled Optimal Kernel Group Transformation.

Porf. Ping Ma from University of Georgia Visits the Center and Gives a Talk

On Dec.21, 2015, Porfessor Ping Ma from University of Georgia visited the Center and gave a talk entitled “Analyzing Twitter Data via Smoothing Spline ANOVA”, introduced his recent work in this field.

The Development Planning Symposium Held Successfully

With the support of Tsinghua University and the colleagues of statistical academia, the Center for Statistical Science have made continues progress in talents introduction and discipline construction since June 2015. To map out a plan for the future development, the center held the Development Planning Symposium on Dec. 12, 2015. More than 20 senior statisticians […]

In this big data era of information explosion, through effective data analysis, we can Discover knowledge and laws in model data, making data a powerful driving force for social progress.

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Center for Statistical Science

Room 212, Weiqing Building Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084





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