On Nov 29, 2021,Prof. Julia Palacios from Stanford University communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk. The title was Distance-based Summaries and Modeling of Evolutionary Trees.
On Nov 15, 2021,Prof. Lucas Janson from Harvard University communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk. The title was Floodgate: inference for model-free variable importance。
On Nov 8, 2021,Prof. Yanyuan Ma from The Pennsylvania State University communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk. The title was Robust and Efficient Estimation under Nonignorable Missing Response。
On Sep 23, 2021,Prof. Chun Yip Yau from the Chinese University of Hong Kong communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk through Tencent Meeting platform. The title was Burn-in Selection in Simulating Time Series。
On Aug 23, 2021,Prof. Guodong Li from the University of Hong Kong communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk through Tencent Meeting platform. The title was High-Dimensional Low-Rank Tensor Autoregressive Time Series Modelling.
On July 22, 2021, Prof. Rongling Wu from Pennsylvania State University visited our center and gave a talk, the title was:Learning High-order Dynamical Interactome Networks from Big Static Data.
On Jun 11, 2021,Prof. Zheng Ke from Harvard University communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk through Tencent Meeting platform. The title was Optimal Adaptivity of Signed-Polygon Statistics for Network Testing。
On Jun 7, 2021,Prof. Wenyang Zhang from York University communicated with the professors of our center and gave an invited talk through Tencent Meeting platform. The title was High Dimensional Dynamic Covariance Matrices with Homogeneous Structure。
On May 31, 2021,Prof. Miaoyan Wang from University of Wisconsin-Madison communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk through Tencent Meeting platform. The title was Beyond the Signs: Nonparametric Tensor Completion via Sigh Series。
On May 7, 2021,Prof. Zihuai He from Stanford University communicated with the professors of our center and gave a talk through Tencent Meeting platform. The title was Identification of Putative Causal Loci in Whole-genome Sequencing Data via Knockoff Statistics.