【统计学论坛】Inference of drug target pathways through joint analysis of diverse high throughput data sets

时间:2015年12月14日 11:00-12:00 报告人:Hongyu Zhao

Title (题目): Inference of drug target pathways through joint analysis of diverse high throughput data sets
Time (时间): 11:00am – 12:00am, 2015-12-14 (Monday)
Location (地点): 伟清楼209 (Center for Statistical Science, Tsinghua University)
Speaker (报告人):  Hongyu Zhao, Yale University


Abstract (摘要):

Pathway-based drug discovery considers the therapeutic effects of compounds in the global physiological environment. Because the target pathways and mechanism of action for many compounds are still unknown, and there are also some unexpected off-target effects, the inference of drug-pathway associations is a crucial step to fully realize the potential of system-based pharmacological research. Transcriptome data offer valuable information on drug pathway targets because the pathway activities may be reflected through gene expression levels. In this talk, we will some of our recent efforts to jointly analyze paired gene expression and drug sensitivity datasets measured across the same panel of samples. Our approaches enable direct incorporation of prior knowledge regarding gene-pathway and/or drug-pathway associations to aid the discovery of new association relationships. Our models also provide a general statistical framework for pathway-based integrative analysis of other types of -omics data. This is joint work with Haisu Ma, Cong Li, Can Yang, Yiyi Liu, and Li Zeng.

About the speaker (报告人介绍)
Dr. Hongyu Zhao is the Ira V. Hiscock Professor and Chair of Biostatistics at Yale University. He received his B.S. in Probability and Statistics from Peking University in 1990 and Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1995. He has published on statistics, human genetics, bioinformatics, and proteomics, and edited two books on human genetics analysis and statistical genomics.